With just one touch bread turns into roses. With just one bite cheese turns into lilies.Theres a famine plaguing the land and Princess Yzabel is wasting food simply by trying to eat. Before she can even swallow her magic—her curse—has turned her meal into a bouquet. Shes on the verge of starving which only reminds her that the people of Portugal have been enduring tWith just one touch bread turns into roses. With just one bite cheese turns into lilies.Theres a famine plaguing the land and Princess Yzabel is wasting food simply by trying to eat. Before she can even swallow her magic—her curse—has turned her meal into a bouquet. Shes on the verge of starving which only reminds her that the people of Portugal have been enduring the same pain.If only it were possible to reverse her magic. Then she could turn flowers…into food.Fatyan a beautiful Enchanted Moura is the only one who can help. But she is trapped by magical binds. She can teach Yzabel how to control her curse—if Yzabel sets her free with a kiss.As the King of Portugals betrothed Yzabel would be committing treason but what good is a king if his country has starved to death?With just one kiss Fatyan is set free. And with just one kiss Yzabel is yearning for more.Shed sought out Fatyan to help her save the people. Now loving her could mean Yzabels destruction.Based on Portuguese legend this #OwnVoices historical fantasy is an epic tale of mystery magic and making the impossible choice between love and duty…(less)